maandag 9 februari 2015

Blog Kick-off!

Dear all,

first of all: a very warm welcome to our 2015 IBCE blog!

Here, over the coming weeks you and your classmates will be able to post items on GREEN innovations and comment on posts made by others.

As you know, the driving force behind this blog (and our entire course) is the concept of innovation; what does this mean to you, what have you read or heard about it recently, which innovations have you been confronted with lately, etc. 

This year, for the second time we focus on GREEN innovations, so keep that in mind as you scower the media and the internet for interesting topics to write about.

We urge you to post a minimum of 6 items (per team) on this topic during the course, which amounts to more or less one entry a week. 

Feel free to browse your peers' entries and comment on them. This is a blog, after all!

Happy blogging!


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