zaterdag 28 maart 2015

Let there be light!

Did you know that Europe spends 10 million € each year in lighting? Streetlights represents about 40% of a city’s energy bill, which is a serious waste of money when no one is around. That’s not the only issue: artificial lights are also responsible for light pollution, which can harm human health as well as wildlife. Moreover, the maintenance of those streetlights is both expensive and inefficient. Still, switching off the lights at night is no option since it would compromise security and safety in the city for its citizens. 

Yes, there is a solution 

It is called Intelligent Lighting Control. Several companies are already commercialising their own version of it, for example Tvilight, a firm based in the Netherlands. Tvilight offers a system of outdoor lighting that dispenses light only where and when it’s needed. 

 How does it work? 

Wireless sensors detect the presence of pedestrians, bicycles of cars and adapt the brightness to the user (pedestrians, for example, need less intensive light while cars profit from a more important glow). This allows a major reduction in energy consumption and maintenance costs. 

Where to use it? 

The Intelligent Lighting Control can be used to light the entire city, from roadways to residential areas, including railway stations and outdoor carparks. The system can be adapted to every location and really offers a tailored solution. Several cities in the Netherlands, in Germany and Denmark have already switched to this lighting system and seem really satisfied. What do you think? Could this be the solution to the unnecessary lighting of our Belgian roads? Comment below! 

 More info and details on

1 opmerking:

  1. Maybe it's just me, but I have the feeling the Dutch are always lightyears -pun intended- ahead of us when it comes to innovation like this. I would love to see some investments in smart technology in Belgium. Have you seen the Dutch bike lane with the glow in the dark sparkling stones that capture sunlight? If not, have a look here:
