donderdag 26 maart 2015

Putting out a blaze while dancing on Hip hop music?

This title might sound crazy, but from now on it can be a possibility. Two engineering students, Viet Tran and Seth Robertson, discovered that water and toxic chemicals aren’t the only ways to extinguish fire.

Using speakers to extinguish fire

The two engineers weren’t the ‘real inventors’ of this method, but they were inspired by an experiment of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In 2012, this US Defence Agency showed us how to extinguish a fire blaze by using speakers. The fire dies because of a two-pronged attack of the low frequencies. I will not explain the complicated physical process, but in summary: the sound increases the air speed, which makes the air thinner, and this process results in a combustion. But at the same time, the sound also disturbs the surface of the fuel that increases vaporisation, an effect that shows an opposite reaction: the flame is cooling down. Another experiment of DARPA is trying to extinguish a flame by creating an ionic wind.

The two engineers also discovered that low-frequency sound waves, those you hear when you are dancing on Hip hop music, can douse a blaze. This ingenious experiment by Seth and Viet can make water unnecessary, in the context of putting out a fire of course.
So next time you put lasagna in your microwave without removing its aluminum package, you will be able to douse a possible fire with ‘a woofer’, the device using the technology of the low frequencies. 

Drones to put out forest fires

But the innovators are more ambitious: they assume their technology could be mounted to the nowadays-popular drones. In this way, they can contain large forest fires or blow out urban blazes. The researchers of DARPA were already looking for industrial and military goals of their experiment, like using the technology of the speakers in cockpits and ship holds to prevent them from disaster. The two engineers also think their innovative product could be useful in a larger context and maybe even in space:
"In space, extinguisher contents spread all over. But you can direct sound waves without gravity," explains Robertson.”

So what do you think? When you’re in trouble and in the middle of a conflagration (I hope you’ll never be in this situation), would you like to use ‘a woozer’ to extinguish the fire, or do you believe more in the traditional ways of blowing out a blaze?
Comments below please! 

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