zondag 29 maart 2015

A modern and ‘cool’ way of picnicking!

I suppose everyone has already been in the following situation: a beautiful Saturday, 25 degrees and a wonderful sun. These circumstances are exceptional in Belgium, so you really have to go to the beach! After a nice day full of beach volleyball, working on your tan and sea floating, you don’t want to go home. Unfortunately, your phone is almost dead, you’re hungry and thirsty and your friends really want to go dancing. So you have to take all your stuff and move to a musty and crowded place where you can continue your activities.

The modern cooler

With the Coolest Cooler you can spend day and night on the beach, in the park or even in your own garden without having to go inside. This ‘world’s smartest all-purpose party starter’, invented by Ryan Grepper, wants to replace the old-fashioned boxed cooler by a modern equivalent. It stores orange juice as well as some fruit pieces or salads, just like an average cooler. But this fancy cooler also stocks the perfect tools for a day on the beach, a barbecue or a picnic. First of all, the inventor created a built-in blender to make your favourite smoothie at any moment. A 20-volt battery-powered blender makes it possible to shake a sex on the beach for your friends or to make your own healthy fruit juice.

Secondly, the LED lid lights embedded into the inside lid of the cooler make it possible to differentiate a can of beer from a Clamato juice during the night. After a whole day on the beach, it’s also possible that your IPhone or camera has no battery charge left. The waterproof USB-charger charges any electronic gear you have brought. When you want to start the party, a Bluetooth speaker makes it possible to play your favourite songs. The Coolest Cooler even allows you to easily stream your music to the wireless speaker from any Bluetooth phone or other electronic device.

Navigate every terrain

Now I hear you all thinking: ‘If this special cooler has so many facilities, it has to be very big and cumbersome, so how can I move it on the beach or in the grass?’ The formal Medical Sales representative, Mr. Grepper, also provided a solution for this problem. The Coolest Cooler has two oversized wheels and a pull-out handle bar that make it possible to navigate every terrain.
Next to this handy gear, the Coolest Cooler also contains some little tools you’ll definitely need during every outdoor activity: from a built-in bottle opener and a ceramic knife to storage for reusable plastic plates, this innovative cooler has it all!

No more stress on your next party?

In my opinion, this is a great invention for my next barbecue! As a hostess, you always have to go inside looking for a new bottle of wine or nervously searching a bottle opener. It isn’t very cheap, about $400, but the Coolest Cooler presents a wide variety of tools. Maybe within a few years, I can afford this modern cooler…

Now I want to know your opinion! Do you prefer the old-school cooler to bring your caprisonnes and apples to the beach? Or are you totally convinced by this modern fancy box to brighten up your next outdoor party? Comments please!

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