maandag 16 maart 2015

Ingenious or Dangerous?

The alternative Margarita

Have you ever been hiking, cayaking or mountainbiking with your friends? If you did so, I think you might recognize the story of Mark Philips. 

Mr Philips is also a very active guy who loves outdoor  adventure sports. But during those nights on the move, sitting around the bonfire, he would like to relax with an adult beverage and some mates to discuss his recent adventures. Only his activities don’t lend themselves to carry along heavy bottles of wine or beer. They can only take the most essential products with them, such as bottles of water.

So after a few trips through the mountains, he thought it would be great to invent alcohol in powder form in order to avoid the extra weight. And at that moment, the idea of so-called ‘palcohol’ was born. It would just be needed to add some water and shake it. In this way you can create a variety of alcohol drinks for every occasion, f.ex. a nice cocktail - it won’t be the best sex on the beach in the world but it’s ok - or even a range of spirits.


But this ‘palcohol’ isn’t the only powdered proposition of Mr. Philips!
During my time as a youth leader in the Chiro, we did a lot of two-day trips with up to thirty children. Almost 20 times a day, there was at least one child who fell on his knee, had a blister or another scratch. Naturally we always brought our first aid box to take care of those wounds, which was unfortunately quite heavy because of those different products and disinfectant.
For these moments, the innovation of Mr. Philips and Lipsmark (the company that makes Palcohol) comes to the rescue since a derivative product of the existing palcohol can also be used as a disinfectant. This is a great solution for when you’re located in places with difficult access or to shed some weight out of your backpack. The company even suggests that the powdered alcohol could be a basis for an alternative fuel, but these are just ideas for the future. Now, we have to enjoy our powdered white wine or mojito.


I can already hear you think: What if I go to a party and someone spikes my coca cola with this powder? Or what if I have a little brother or sister who’s always sniffing in the closets to find something new, and he or she might easily find or abuse the product? 

Well, you’re not the only one that is not totally convinced of this new creation! 

The ‘palcohol’ was already launched in 2014 but after being approved, a lot of people expressed their concerns. I already mentioned some possible abuses of this powered alcohol but people also feared the powered stuff could be easily snorted so that people become drunk without even realising. Another person also mentioned that the portability and light weight of this powder make it easy to sneak alcohol into public events or even smuggle it on a plane.
Despite these concerns, on the 12th of March, the federal regulators have given the green light to the creators of Palcohol. This summer, you will be able to buy the powered alcohol in some American shops, or even online!

Now I’m very curious about your opinion! Do you consider taking this powder with you on your next adventurous trip? Do you think a lot of people will abuse the product or that it’s a great invention? Comments please!

If you want to know more about this powdered product or other ideas of Mr. Philips, I encourage you to check out his website:

1 opmerking:

  1. Oh. My. *Insert Curse Word*. God!

    I would try it out, without a single hesitation. This is the best thing since sliced bread! I even think that in a couple of decades, the saying might change to "this is the best thing since powdered alcohol". #LOL
