maandag 30 maart 2015

Come to the dark side, we have water!

Water. No other fluid in the world has as much value or a more essential role than water. We use it to do practically everything and its beneficial effects have been proven beyond a doubt. But what if water as we know it changed its composition? What if it became black?

Why black?

Black water exists today and its colour has nothing to do with food colorants. Indeed, black water is still pure water to which Fulvic Minerals have been added. Fulvic minerals are constituted by plants and Fulvic and Humic acids, which are black. They help water to penetrate the cells and provide thus a better hydration of the body. Moreover, they also support healthy brain function and may help protect against cognitive impairment.

A second element present in black water is electrolyte, an ion that is electrically-charged. Electrolytes are concentrated in our blood and get eliminated when we sweat. Maintain the concentration of electrolytes in our body contribute, among other things, to minimize muscle cramps.

The last element we find in black water is alkaline pH. It is the opposite of acidic and helps to balance the pH of our body, which is often more acidic due to our diet (meat, fruit juice, milk and many snacks have an acidic pH).

Would you go black?

While the long-term benefits of black water are not yet established, its ingredients have already been approved by the dietetic world long before black water even existed. Getting healthier just by drinking water surely sounds interesting but would you be ready to try this new black gold? Comment below!



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